How to use technology safely

First step - become aware of the different emitting sources of Wi-Fi radiation

Some of the sources of Wi-Fi pollution at homes are: computers, smart speakers, Wi-Fi router, gaming consoles, cordless phones, cordless mouse, cell phones, baby monitors and wireless security systems

  • You can address each one and make changes and start using tech in a safer way.

  • Keeping a distance from wireless devices helps to reduce your exposure. 

The next step is identifying safer ways to get the connections you need but without the wireless radiation!

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Practical Solutions

This might seem like a big step, but it is easy to implement and we all can benefit from safer habits around technology use in our families! Just read through and start today!


Mobile Phones

Emit pulsed microwave radiation when in use. Highest radiation emitted when on a call. Holding to the head is most dangerous but continuous exposure on standby also contributes to cumulative radiation load.

Steps to reduce exposure:

  • Discourage children from using mobile phones.

  • Keep yours away from children, especially when in use.

  • Keep phone calls short. 

  • Texting uses less radiation than a call. 

  • Turn off when not in use.


Wi-Fi and WLAN

Emits continuous lower level pulsed microwave radiation for some distance around the router and exposes to radiation load. Highest emissions close to router and enabled laptops.

Steps to reduce exposure:

  • Hardwire your technology. No wireless radiation is emitted from ethernet cables.  

  • If you’re using a laptop etc at home, avoid using Wi-Fi and opt for hard-wired Ethernet connections instead. These can even plug into an iPhone, iPad lightning port – and they will work on Airplane mode! (Except normal calls and text)

  • Avoid Bluetooth mice and keyboards – they are inflammatory over time. Get wired ones. 


Cordless DECT phone

Emits pulsed microwave radiation when in use on a call.Emits continuous lower level pulsed radiation some distance from the phones and base station, contributing to radiation load.Highest exposures close to base and phones. 

Steps to reduce exposure:

  • Change to a wired phone and wire in extra extensions for convenience.

  • If cordless is essential, switch to a low radiation phone which only emits radiation when in use. Analogue cordless phones may be safer but are hard to obtain.

  • Keep phones and base away from bedrooms at night.


Wireless games consoles

These are usually enabled with bluetooth or wi-fi and emit pulsed microwave radiation when turned on. Children using the device are exposed to this close up. Hand-held games are sometimes wireless enabled and may emit radiation whenever switched on, even if the wi-fi function is not in use. Many newer TVs, gaming systems, and computers plugged into electricity or on battery power will have radiation emissions even if in power off mode, so it is best to remove them from the bedroom or completely disconnect them from their power source.

Steps to reduce exposure:

  • Replace with a non-wireless games console.

  • Limit time used and always turn off when not in use.

  • Ensure only non-wireless hand-held games consoles are chosen.

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Baby listening devices

Digital wireless monitors emit continuous pulsed microwave radiation contributing to the radiation load. Analogue wireless monitors are most likely safe if kept at least 1m from the child.

Steps to reduce exposure:

  • Analogue is safest. Low radiation digital monitors may be safer than the standard digital.

  • Fully wired monitors (running through the electrical wiring) are safest but hard to obtain.

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Sat Nav and GPS tracking systems

A basic satellite navigation system (Sat-Nav) does not need to send out a signal so it does not emit microwave radiation. Some versions are wireless-enabled to access up-to-date maps and/or traffic reports and so emit microwave radiation like a bluetooth (see above). GPS satellite tracking devices are a source of microwave radiation emissions but as long as the transmitter is located on the outside of the car away from passengers, the radiation exposure is probably small.

Steps to reduce exposure:

  • Replace with basic (non-wireless) Sat Nav 

  • Avoid GPS tracking

For more information on how to use technology safely

Getting advice

Consultants offer advice and help to reduce sources of radiation exposure both within and from outside the home or school. They usually undertake a survey and advise on alternative wiring, shielding and products. 

The list of consultants can be found here:


Mothers for Safe Technology takes no payments, commissions or other benefits from any consultants. 

Please note that Mothers for Safe Technology has not evaluated the consultants on our list and can not give any recommendation as to their suitability.