Wi-Fi in Schools


Schools are a unique environment

Schools are a unique environment where children will spend several hours a day in classrooms with wireless exposures from many wireless devices in each room.

Children and young people are particularly at risk because they are still developing and can absorb wireless radiation into their bodies more easily than adults. Mobile phone and WI-FI signals can alter the normal electrical activity in the human brain. Electrical signals are part of how neurons communicate with each other and are an important influence in brain development. In schools the children and the teaching staff are exposed to constant low-level microwave radiation and research suggests that children can develop medical problems during childhood, as well as cancers and other serious illnesses later in life. Low-level microwave radiation has been linked to problems with cognition, memory, concentration and reaction time. 


Wireless devices are proliferating

Wireless devices are proliferating in classrooms across the UK, and screen learning has begun to augment traditional teaching models in ways we never expected. Technology can be useful and children want to have access to computers, but usefulness and innovation of technology is not the whole picture. The fact that children and staff can use computers anywhere at school is beneficial but the technology use has to be safe.  Schools need to evaluate the risks from wireless technologies. Classrooms need to be safe places for children and young people. Technology benefits can be realised by adopting hardwired solutions for education to avoid health risk and promote the best and safest environment for academic achievement.  


Technology and education

Excessive use of Wi-Fi technologies and screens as learning tools in classrooms creates stress and also overstimulates developing nervous systems. 

Video above:

Victoria L Dunckley, MD, author of RESET YOUR CHILD's BRAIN, talks about the negative effects when kids spend too much time on electronic devices.

Below: Dr Sarah Starkey: Technology and Education. How Safe are Our Children?



Wireless devices radiate

Wireless devices use radio-frequency, or RF radiation (also called microwave radiation) to communicate. At first, scientists and engineers thought the only impact of exposure to this type of radiation for humans was heat. The ICNIRP considers only short-term thermal effects and not the thousands of studies showing biological harm from RFR at non-thermal levels. Therefore the exposure limits are based solely on the capacity of these waves to burn the skin.


Scientists have discovered

More recently, scientists have discovered how chronic, low-level exposure to RF radiation can weaken the blood-brain barrier, damage cells and lead to a variety of human health conditions, including abnormal brain development and cancer.


Peer reviewed research showing harm from manmade radio frequency radiation.

Wireless radiation is currently classed by the World Health Organisation / IARC as a 2b Carcinogen. 

Scientific citations on Wireless Radiation in schools.



Continuous radiation bursts in classrooms

Just like cell phones, Wi-Fi devices always stay in contact with their router or base station. When switched on, Wi-Fi access points are used in classrooms and are giving off signals all of the time, even when the devices are not being used. A classroom fitted with WI-FI means that the children and staff are exposed to constant low-level microwave radiation. 

When a number of wireless laptops are in use together they and the nodes can emit high levels of radiation. Everyone is affected cumulatively by this exposure and current evidence suggests that children may be more likely to develop medical problems during childhood, as well as cancers and other serious illnesses later in life. 

The radiation exposure from wireless products is a "chronic" exposure, constantly at a low level rather than short bursts of high power. At school, a set of wirelessly connected computers in a classroom is known to result in exposures much higher than one computer being used alone. The radiation level has been found to be equivalent to being in the main beam of a mobile phone mast (which official guidelines state should not fall on school grounds without the consent of parents and the school). 

Video above: Dr. David Carpenter on Wireless Radiation in the School Environment.

What schools and parents need to know

  • Exposures may be within ICNIRP guidelines but this does not mean that they are safe.

  • The Scientific literature clearly demonstrates that levels of radiation below ICNIRP limits can cause biological damage and in some cases disease.

  • Surely 'a sensible precautionary approach' would be to not allow the use of Wi-Fi in schools until after safety studies have been carried out.

  • Professor Havas from Trent University, Canada, has said 'Science is one of the tools society uses to decide health policy.  In the case of telecommunications equipment, such as cell phones, wireless networks, cell phone antennas, PDAs, and portable phones, the science is being ignored'.

  • For more information on industry safety guidelines

Dr. Sarah Starkey: Review of Official advice on radiofrequency radiation, risk assessment and adverse effects.

Can we trust what our official bodies are telling us? We cannot, according to Dr Sarah Starkey…

Precautionary Principle


“If there is a reasonable possibility that a substance may cause harm then there should be a presumption that it will, and therefore exposure to the substance should be minimised”. TUC “Occupational Cancer - a Workplace Guide”. The school’s duty of care means that wi-fi is generally inappropriate in school, where pupils and teachers are unable to choose to avoid this radiation, and have not given consent.

Wired network


A wired network should be used instead;  we owe our children this effort, and it is faster and more secure to use.   With simple RJ45 adaptors any device can be hardwired.

We have no reason to expose children to a proven bio hazard and use them as the burdens of proof.

Protecting Children from Non-Ionising Radiation


Theodora Scarato from Environmental Health Trust (a virtual scientific Think Tank) talks about how schools around the world are pushing back against wireless technology in classrooms. (18 min)