Our aims

  • To inform parents about the health effects of non-ionising radiation on children and the health risks of WI-FI exposure. Through information sharing we seek to empower our fellow parents and carers for our children to act as a force for change in our communities. 

  • To inform schools and educational institutions about the harmful effects on children's health from exposures to EMF radiation from wireless technologies. We have collected research findings on this issue for the purposes of education.

  • To provide practical solutions for schools and parents and help reduce the risks whilst moving forward with technological progress.

  • To support a campaign for Hardwiring Schools in the UK 2020 and distribute this information widely amongst private and state schools in the UK. 

Please join us in our efforts to protect children's health and wellbeing by minimising their exposure to radiation emitting technologies.

“We are failing to safeguard children and young people if we are exposing them to something which scientific studies have shown can cause physical harm and increase cancer risk.” Dr Sarah Starkey.

 Mothers For Safe Technology

Who are We?


Mothers For Safe Technology was started by parents, who are concerned about the impact of RF radiation on children. We are aware of the dangers that wireless radiation causes to human health and the environment through extensive research and through talking to other parents about our children’s health. The research into the complexity of this health hazard has led us to understand that children are more susceptible to the negative effects from wireless technologies, and this deeply concerns us. 

We have collected many scientific studies, and this knowledge has given us a valuable insight into what wireless radiation is and just how little we – the public, know about the detrimental effects to our health. 

There is an urgency to understand that the outdated safety standards of the telecommunications industry are not keeping our children safe.

With knowledge comes responsibility. 

We as parents are accountable towards our own children and it is our duty to the society as a whole to inform other parents about the negative effects of this environmental pollution. 

The aim of Mothers For Safe Technology is to bring awareness to this issue and to minimise the harm done to our children.