Children and Wi-Fi Radiation

Children and Wi-Fi Radiation


Children are always more vulnerable to threats in their environment due to their immature and rapidly developing bodies. Scientific research confirms this vulnerability. 

RF radiation has become ubiquitous in young children’s lives, as companies design and manufacture wireless devices that are intended for use by children, even before birth and as newborns. 

Common devices that emit radiation and children are exposed to these on a daily basis:

  • Mobile Phone

  • Cordless Phone

  • Wi-Fi

  • Bluetooth

  • Digital Baby Monitors

  • Wireless Game Consoles

  • Sat Nav Systems

  • Home Security Systems

What experts say

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Electromagnetic Radiation, Health and Children. Talk by Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe of the Physicians’ Health Initiative for Radiation in the Environment (PHIRE, 2019).


PHIRE - Physicians Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment warns that children today have an unprecedented exposure that is higher than in any generation before them. 

Children absorb more radiation than adults

A five year old can absorb 60% more microwave radiation than an adult and exposures in bone marrow can be up to 10 times greater.  

Children are more likely to suffer greater biological effects from EMR exposure because:

  • Children’s thinner skulls, and smaller bones allow greater absorption into bone and deeper tissues

  • Children’s brains (especially neonates) can have higher water content and so absorb more radiation

  • Children are smaller (a relatively higher proportion of their tissues may be closer to a point source) 

  • Children have more vulnerable developing systems (e.g. neurological/reproductive)

  • Children have a longer time ahead for latent effects to manifest.

- There is evidence that genetic damage caused by exposure within current guidelines may not only damage the exposed child, but also their offspring.

-Brain tumours have overtaken leukaemia as the leading cause of  cancer deaths in children. Research shows that these illnesses are associated with EMR exposure. 

The Sensitivity of Children to Electromagnetic Fields (From Official Journal of the American Academy of Paediatrics)

PHIRE on Vulnerability in Children:

Age-dependent tissue-specific exposure of cell phone users:

Technology use amongst children is on the increase


Almost 70% of primary and secondary schools in the UK now use tablet computers, according to research. 70% of 5 to 15-year-olds had access to a tablet at home.

50% of the UK's 10-year-olds owned a smartphone. 24% of 3 and 4-year-olds have their own tablet, and 15% of them are allowed to take it to bed.

75% of children sleep every night with their cell phone beneath their pillow.

Why are children more vulnerable?

Photo credit: Julia Coimbra@juli4cmbr4
  • Children have more stem cells which are shown to be especially sensitive to RF radiation, and because they are still growing, their cells are dividing more rapidly. 

  • A child’s head shows absorption (or penetration) rates of RF radiation at approximately twice that of an adult. 

  • Children today will have a longer lifetime exposure. A time lag of 10-20 years to develop cancer will impact them more significantly in the prime years of their lives.