Disclaimer - Legal information

Mothers For Safe Technology is set up by mothers who are concerned about children’s wellbeing because of the rapid spread of wireless technologies in schools. We are concerned by the lack of information that schools and parents have been given about the risks to children from Wi-Fi radiation exposure.

The content of the Mothers For Safe Technology website is provided for information purposes only. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the information is accurate, no guarantees can be made. Information is subject to change without prior notice and can often be interpreted in many ways. Mothers For Safe Technology is therefore not liable for any damages resulting from the use of information obtained from this site or from any sites linked to it. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the information on this site lies with the reader. 

Mothers for Safe Technology is not selling any products. The website is an information resource aimed at helping parents, schools, school governing bodies and local authorities to provide safe environments for children.

reference:  https://ssita.org.uk/disclaimer/

Our Cookies Policy

This website uses Cookies, or Cookies are stored on it, in the following ways:

  1. Web tracker analysis. We use a web tracker to assess where traffic is coming from and which web pages are of most interest to our users at any given time. This information is only stored for the length of time necessary for this analysis in our on-going work.

  2. Cookies are installed and stored on this site by third party domains and your attention is drawn to this.

  3. If you wish to proceed with using our website you may use the Cookies Banner and Button across the top of the Home page.

Privacy Policy

Mothers For Safe Technology will not rent, swap or sell any personal information to other organisations – our aim being solely to assist and support the enquirer in any way that seems appropriate for his or her situation and always with his or her full consent.