Further steps to reduce mobile phone exposure

  • Never keep it in a pocket when switched on – at least as little as possible.  

  • Turn to Airplane mode as much as possible, so it is not in communication with cell towers. You can compose emails and texts in Airplane mode, and pre-load games and films etc. 

  • Use speaker mode or an air tube headset (not Bluetooth) when making and receiving calls.

  • Forget about using Bluetooth headsets no matter how convenient you think they are. 

  • Try not to use your cell phone when you’re in a car or in public transportation. The radio frequency radiation bounces around and can continuously bombard you. 

  • Never keep a mobile device (including wearables) near a baby, or in a handbag on the baby carriage. 

  • Need an alarm on your phone? You can set the phone to Airplane/Flight Mode ON and the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth to OF. A device in Airplane mode will still work as an alarm clock or camera and will still play downloaded music, books and movies. 

  • Be sure to charge cell phones and tech devices outside the bedroom, because charger gear generates other types of electromagnetic fields that are also linked to health issues.