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 1. What are Wi-Fi and RF radiation?

Non-ionizing radio-frequency radiation (RFR), also known as microwave or wireless radiation, is one form of man-made electromagnetic radiation. Current technologies use RFR to send and receive data wirelessly. Common RFR sources are radio and television transmissions, cell towers and antennas, cell phones, cordless phones, baby monitors, wireless computer networks (WLAN), smart utility meters and all other wireless devices.

Man-made RFR is not recognised by the body because it is polarised, and pulsed. The pulse modulated and polarised nature of man-made radiation causes a stress response in the cells. Our bodies are electric, they get stressed having to identify and react to constant non native information. Chronic adaptive and induced stress uses up many internal resources, resulting in a loss of vitality and a run down immune system. A diverse range of symptoms can show as a result of the loss of balance and health caused by RFR.

More on radiofrequency radiation.


 2. Do you know how RF radiation impacts human health? 

The majority of independent peer reviewed research shows harmful biological effects from manmade radiofrequency radiation (RFR). Many doctors and scientists have repeatedly warned against long term exposure of adults and children to RFR. Proven effects include: increased cancer risk, genetic damage, cellular stress, oxidation of cells, changes to the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, and neurological disorders. Children and adolescents are particularly susceptible. 

Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy, PhD is an Honorary Lecturer in Biology at Imperial College London: Prolonged exposure to mobile phone radiation causes serious damage to the DNA in living cells. https://ecfsapi.fcc.gov/file/7521098550.pdf


 3. Are you aware that RF radiation from Wi-Fi exposure is more harmful to children than adults?

Children are always more vulnerable to threats in their environment due to their immature and rapidly developing bodies. A growing body of scientific research confirms this vulnerability. Some key findings include: 

  • Children have more stem cells which are shown to be especially sensitive to RF radiation, and because they are still growing, their cells are dividing more rapidly. 

  • A child’s head shows absorption (or penetration) rates of RF radiation at approximately twice that of an adult. 

  • Children today will have a longer lifetime exposure and have most of their lives in front of them. A time lag of 10-20 years to develop cancer will impact them more significantly in the prime years of their lives. 



 4. Are you aware that children are subjected to high levels of Wi-Fi radiation exposure at schools?

Schools are a unique environment because there are so many wireless devices in each room.  All wireless devices (including cell phones, cordless landline phones, any item with Wi-Fi or Bluetooth capability, etc.) generate and emit invisible electromagnetic radiation. Wireless devices are proliferating in classrooms across the UK and children will spend several hours a day in classrooms with high levels of RFR exposure. 70% of primary and secondary schools in the UK now use tablet computers, according to research. If kids are boarding then Wi-Fi is often found in the bedrooms as well and continuous exposure is unavoidable. Screen learning has begun to augment traditional teaching models in ways we never expected. While kids love their tablets, and screen learning has its place in education, everyone should be aware that wireless technology comes with a price in terms of student health and safety. 

Scientific citations on Wireless Radiation in Schools:


Generation Zapped investigates the dangers of daily exposure to wireless technologies - including the devastating effects on our health from infertility to cancer - and suggests ways to reduce overexposure.


 5. Why are doctors concerned about wireless radiation in schools?

A growing amount of scientific research links this wireless radiation to serious health effects such as memory and sleep problems, headaches, cancer, and damage to brain development. It should be noted that schools have relied on Public Health England for guidance but PHE is relying on guidelines that are unsafe and obsolete.  There are thousands of peer-reviewed papers calling for an urgent re-assessment of the position adopted by bodies such as PHE. 

Peer Reviewed research studies on Wi-Fi

Health effects indicated in scientific studies: http://www.wiredchild.org/health-effects.html

Warnings from experts regarding Wi-Fi in schools  

Peer reviewed research showing particular harm to children and adolescents


What if you could reduce your child’s daily exposure to dangerous radio frequency radiation (RFR) by 90% and keep your child safe and happy?