Actions around the World

International moves towards safer technology in schools

Action to reduce Wi-Fi in schools around the World

Environmental Health Trust - Actions around the World


International policy actions around the world.

2015 National legislation in France banning Wi-Fi in primary schools and more


France - policy recommendations on mobile phones, wireless radiation and health.

State of Maryland advises against Wi-Fi in schools


The Maryland State Department of Education recommended wired devices, turning WiFi off devices when not in use using Local Area Networks (LAN), keeping pupils’ heads away from screens, turning routers off when not in use, placing routers as far from children as possible, using airplane mode when possible.

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Oregon State bill 283 declares an emergency regarding Wi-Fi in schools


Cyprus removes Wi-Fi from elementary schools


Cyprus has removed Wi-Fi from elementary schools, reduced RF in pediatric wards of Archbishop Makarios Hospital and launched multiple pubic awareness campaigns and support a strong educational initiative to educate children and families about cell phones and wireless radiation.

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Israel Ministry of Education 2013 guidelines regarding limiting Wi-Fi use in schools


Policy recommendations on mobile phones, wireless radiation and health.

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The Child and Youth Service of the Department of Public Instruction of Geneva, Switzerland warning over use of digital technology


In July 2017, the Child and Youth Service of the Department of Public Instruction of Geneva issued a letter on the health risks of digital technology  to be transmitted to all teachers at the start of the school year. 

‘“Only switch your WLAN on when you need it. With laptops, in particular, it is a good idea to switch the WLAN off as otherwise the device will repeatedly try to connect to a network, leading to unnecessary radiation” and “Don’t hold your laptop close to your body while it is connected to a WLAN.’” The letter includes warnings on cancer and mental health risks.

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United Educators of San Francisco (UESF) and San Francisco Unified School District resolution (2018) warning to school-age children regarding mobile phone use:


San Francisco Educators Pass Resolution Calling For Safer Technology Standards For All San Francisco Schools

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Ashland, Massachusetts chooses safer tech practices (2015)


First U.S. Public School District Limits Wi-Fi Radiation Exposure

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Onteora School District, NY issues a “Wi-Fi best practices” list:


New Jersey Education Association advice on minimising health risks from devices

The Collaborative for High Performance Schools


Low-EMF Best Practices

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Moves to ban Wi-Fi and cell phones in schools in the USA


A list of bills in US states 2019/2020.

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New York State Teachers’ Union recommends wired technology only in classrooms


Guidelines for Use of Wired and Wireless Technology in Classrooms

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The New Jersey Education Association recommendations on reducing radiation exposure


New Jersey educators minimise health risks from electronic devices.

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Israel Ministry of Education: teachers’ laptops should be hardwired


City of Haifa bans WIFI in Schools and kindergartens


The mayor of Haifa, Israel ordered WiFi be disconnected in all schools and kindergartens in the city in 2016.

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Austrian Medical Association is pressing for a ban on Wi-Fi in schools


The Public Health Department of the Salzburg Region advised schools and kindergartens not to use Wi-Fi systems.

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Russian Government Recommends Banning Wi-Fi and Cell Phones in Primary Schools


On July 17th, 2020, the Russian Ministry of Health published recommendations to schools to ban the use of Wi-Fi and cell phones in elementary schools. The Medical Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, prepared the recommendations together with the Russian Ministry of Health.

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UK/N Ireland Schools avoiding WiFi for health reasons

  • Prebendal School, Chichester

  • Ballinderry Primary School in Lisburn, Northern Ireland

  • Ysgol Pantycelyn, Carmarthenshire

Current actions in the UK


Legal Action Against 5G

Michael Mansfield QC is leading the legal team challenging the UK Government

Michael Mansfield QC is leading the legal team challenging the UK Government over its failure to take notice of the health risks and public concern related to 5G. 

One of the most venerated barristers in the UK, Michael Mansfield has led legal teams in high profile cases of civil liberty and miscarriages of justice. 

This legal case is brought because PHE has dismissed multiple warnings from both government and independent scientists including many Scientific Committees of Health and the evidence of thousands of peer reviewed scientific papers. Instead it accepts outdated opinions from unreliable and unaccountable agencies. 

Since 2000, when The Stewart Report recommended the government apply the precautionary principle to radio frequency radiation, the government has failed in its duty to protect health. 

5G Judicial Review 2020


The UK government insists on using ICNIRP’s guidelines to set limits of radiation for public health.  ICNIRP’s guidelines are not fit for purpose as, among other things, they only recognise harm from heating of the body and are set for short term exposure – 6 minutes in fact.  Many people suffer harm without any heating of their bodies. 

This case is brought forward to obtain a change of government policy to stop the harm to UK residents. This would include an immediate halt to the roll out of 5G infrastructure until it is proven to be safe, and require the government to ensure that the industry lays cabling for the purposes of upgrades in technology rather than relying on wireless technology generating RFR and EMFs. 

5G Judicial Review 2020

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dafna Tachover, Director of 5G and Wireless Harms Project of Children’s Health Defense (CHD), signed onto the UK EM Radiation Research Trust  (RRT) letter calling on UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and political leaders to protect the public from the proven harms of wireless radiation and 5G.  

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